Sky Harbor Lodge 2559


Active Committees



One representative per carrier reviews the budget with the Local Lodge Secretary-Treasurer and prioritizes with the Executive Board, helping set the budget that is presented to the Local Lodge for approval.




One representative per carrier reviews the Local Lodge Bylaws and language submitted for changes to Bylaws to be presented to Local Lodge for approval.



Veterans committee

Assisting veterans in obtaining their earned benefits.


Community Outreach

Arranges any Community Service drives for our Local Lodge membership, looking at all aspects of our community involvement.


Review the requests for letters of interest to the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center and submit the list to the Local Lodge membership for approval (based on the approved budget). Design and implement with the Local Lodge Educator any Local Lodge education opportunities.



Both flight and ground operations safety committees as defined in their collective bargaining agreement.




The committee is limited to no more than seven members and will provide regular reports and recommendations to the Local Lodge membership as it pertains to legislative action on the State and National level.




An internal control that is vital to the proper operation of the lodge.

Women’s Committee

Empower our sisters to be strong and committed union members. Keeps our sisters informed of health, social and economic issues facing today’s society.

Organizing committee

Assists with any ongoing campaigns as well as organizing our immediate work groups.